Using substances to cope, feel better, and belong may reduce anxiety, restlessness, disturbing emotions, and feelings of hopelessness and loneliness [14, 19]. The substances affect the brain’s central functions, including dopamine production and executive functions, with a consequent craving for substances and impaired impulse control [47, 49]. This may involve reckless behaviour that is often incomprehensible to other people and may lead to stigma and shame [16, 18, 48]. Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, may increase [29], and it may be difficult to maintain social relationships, everyday parenting responsibilities and work routines [18, 34]. The hard work of obtaining, paying for, and using substances becomes all-consuming [37, 47].

biopsychosocial theory of addiction

The biopsychosocial systems model is grounded in systems theory in which knowledge occurs at the intersection of the subjective and the objective, and not as an independent reality. This is a radical departure from the traditional positivist epistemology, which relies on empirical study and material proof (Bunge 1979; Heylighen, Cilliers, and Gerschenson 2007). Such new iterations of systems theory concentrate on the cognitive and social processes wherein the construction of subjective knowledge occurs. The dynamic within these relationships can contribute to or inhibit the emergence of a complex behaviour such as problematic substance use, while regulating both inputs and outputs from changing internal and external environments. The complex behaviour contributes both positive and negative feedback, and thus affects how the complex behaviour emerges.

What Is the Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction?

Consequently, drug use functionally changes the organism, leading to an increase in the likelihood the individual will use drugs in the future, even at the risk of negative consequences. For instance, substance use and addiction have negative effects on the quality of intimate relationships, domestic partnerships, and family dynamics (Center for Substance Abuse Treatment, 2004; Fals-Steward, 2003; Martin et al., 1996). Moreover, substance use leads to changes in group affiliation as the person exits native groups and enters groups that are more open to drug use by their members (McCabe et al., 2005; Poulin et al., 2011; Scalco et al., 2015). When the social environment changes in ways that lead the individual to affiliate with social groups that promote drug use over abstinence, there is a further increase in the likelihood that a person will escalate their drug use over time. Bandura was professionally active during the cognitive revolution – an intellectual movement that took place in the 1950’s within psychology that emphasized the importance of mental processes in behavior. Consequently, his theory of social learning added a critical role for cognitive appraisal in the selection of behavior.

The informants provided written informed consent before the interviews, they were informed about the right to withdraw and data privacy. The Norwegian Centre for Research Data approved the qualitative sub-study (reference number ). Most of them started using substances at age 12–15, and heroin or amphetamines were their main substances, combined with cannabis, prescription drugs and alcohol. Letting your friends, family, and those closest to you know about your treatment plan can help you keep on track and avoid triggers. The type of treatment a doctor recommends depends on the severity and stage of the addiction.

Stigma, Heroin Assisted Treatment, and the Biopsychosocial Systems Model

First, people may appear to remit spontaneously because they actually do, but also because of limited test–retest reliability of the diagnosis [31]. For instance, using a validated diagnostic interview and trained interviewers, the Collaborative Studies on Genetics of Alcoholism examined the likelihood that an individual diagnosed with a lifetime history of substance dependence would retain this classification after 5 years. Lifetime alcohol dependence was indeed stable in individuals recruited from addiction treatment units, ~90% for women, and 95% for men. In contrast, in a community-based sample similar to that used in the NESARC [27], stability was only ~30% and 65% for women and men, respectively. Diagnosis was stable in severe, treatment-seeking cases, but not in general population cases of alcohol dependence. It is not trivial to delineate the exact category of harmful substance use for which a label such as addiction is warranted (See Box 1).

They talked about the use of substances as isolated incidents or a more regular occurrence. For example, researchers have found a robust association between trauma and addiction (Dube et al., 2002, 2003; Giordano et al., 2016). Indeed, in the original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) study, Felitti et al. (1998) found that more ACEs increased the odds of subsequent drug and alcohol use. One explanation for this trend is that the toxic stress from trauma leads to a dysregulated stress response. An individual’s stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) are chronically elevated (Burke Harris, 2018; van der Kolk, 2014).

With Biopsychosocial Substance Abuse

An individual exposed to drug use at an early age can be influenced by social modeling (or learning via observation). Additionally, certain environments have specific social norms related to drug use (e.g., “Everyone experiments a little with drugs in college”). Some diseases, such as sickle cell anemia or cystic fibrosis, are caused by a change, known as a mutation, in a single gene. Some mutations, like the BRCA 1 and 2 mutations that are linked to a much higher risk of breast and ovarian cancer, have become critical medical tools in evaluating a patient’s risk for serious diseases.

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